
Home » Blog » Here’s Everything You Need to Learn for a Happy Year of The Pig

By: Rain City Maids
Jan 14, 2019

We're in the Year of the Pig! The Chinese New Year was celebrated this past February 5th, and that carries a wealth of changes and opportunities that you don’t was to let by unnoticed. This is why we’ve made a brief-yet-comprehensive guide to what the year will bring about for everyone, what to look out for and when to get smart about love, career prospects, and health.

According to Chinese astrologers, 2019 Chinese zodiac element has the Earth element as its branch and will be a fantastic year for investing and making money; it will be filled with friendship and joy for all zodiac signs, and that’s just the beginning. Let’s see what the year has in store for you!

A summary of the year for all Chinese zodiac signs

Rat -  A great 2019 awaits you! Happiness and prosperity in troves are what’s in store for the rat this year.

Ox - Not a bad time for the ox, since this year will bring several good money-making opportunities.

Tiger - An independent sign like the tiger doesn’t take good opportunities, but makes its own. However, in 2019 you will need to learn how to better come to terms with other people, especially incompatible signs.

Rabbit - The always active rabbit will slow down a little, making you less wary and helping you get closer to other people and make new friends. A good year all around!

Dragon - A strong sign by nature, the Chinese zodiac dragon is not always prepared for the natural calmness of the pig. This year will have you reconsidering many things you thought to be hard truths about yourself and others.

Snake - A diametral opposite of the pig, if you were born under the sign of the snake then you’ll have to be more combative and persuasive if you want to get your way in 2019.

Horse - Don’t worry, horse. The year of the pig 2019 promises to be way more gentle and auspicious for you than 2018’s year of the dog.

Goat - This is an excellent time to make tons of plans because your ambitions have a higher chance of turning out good for you.

Monkey - Chance will play a big part in everything you do this year, so be sure to pace yourself and don’t risk too much all at once.

Rooster - Stay attentive, rooster, because you’ll need to evaluate your relationships if you plan to succeed this year.

Dog - This is not the time to depend on others, but on your efforts, if you want to see some good fortune come around.

Pig - As a naturally calm and lounging sign, true success will only wait for you if you start making plans and acting on them right now. Don’t make it wait!


Naturally combative signs like the Rat, Ox, Goat, and Rabbit have an incentive to set their goals high this year, and with some hard work they will see fruit between July and October, but then will have to work harder as the fall comes to an end.

Tiger, Monkey, Pig, and Horse will have to learn how to balance their private and professional lives or risk exhaustion, particularly during March. This doesn’t mean that a bad year is ahead, only that overshooting their efforts can throw things out of balance for them, slowing things down on all fronts.

The more ambitious signs, Dragon, Snake, Dog, and Rooster will get tired of secondary roles and put themselves in the spotlight more often and with newfound confidence. Their effort won’t fail to see a reward, save for a few delays at the end of 2019, but positive outcomes will abound.


Watch for Rat, Ox, Dog, and Monkey, because they won’t be your friends this year. Don’t channel your energy down the wrong path because it will result in little more than stress and insomnia. Practice a sport or another physical activity in a regular manner to avoid that.

If they don’t overestimate their own strengths and keep a balanced diet, Tiger, Rooster, Horse, and Rabbit will have an enviable amount of energy all throughout the year for any pursuit they choose. Make good use of it!

On the other end of the spectrum, Dragon, Snake, Pig and Goat all risk being out of shape, and their energy reserves can be depleted from time to time. Nothing that can’t be resolved by slowing down and taking a few days to rest, however, and letting another take on the more demanding chores in life once in a while.


Those born under the sign of the Rat, Pig, Rabbit, and Dog will have a loving and passionate 2019 if they are married, delighting their partners all around. For singles, it’ll be a good year for special encounters, so don’t be so controlling of your love life and let the good things come at their own pace.

For those under the sign of Snake, Ox, Tiger, and Monkey who had a rough couple of months during the Year of the Dog 2018, their partners will now start restoring their married life and letting their trust grown stronger in the relationship, but beware! They might be tempted to have an affair during the fall.

Dragon, Goat, Horse, and Rooster will have to be careful with their relationships because 2019 can be stormy for them. It can bring about a state of permanent dispute that will deplete their energy if married life doesn’t meet their expectations.

The Chinese don’t consider the pig to be particularly smart or hardworking, but it does attract wealth and a degree of success. Adopt the natural gentleness of the pig towards the other signs and work against the pig’s lounging nature for 2019 to bear fruit!

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