
Home » Blog » Kitchen Cabinets: One Method To Clean Them All

By: Rain City Maids
Jul 05, 2021

Keeping your kitchen cabinets free from food splatters and grease stains is part of every kitchen cleaning checklist. In fact, dirty cabinets can make your whole kitchen look gross and messier than it is. However, not every cupboard and shelf is created equal, and finding the best way to clean kitchen cabinets could be a hassle! 

If you are looking for a way to clean your kitchen cabinets, look no further! We have one method to clean them all: from stainless steel to wood cabinets. 

The best way to clean kitchen cabinets of any material!

Dusting with a microfiber cloth and wiping down food splatters is enough to keep your kitchen cabinets in good condition. However, if you want to return them to their like-new appearance, you need the best way to clean kitchen cabinets! 

It doesn't matter what type of cabinets you have; you can deep-clean them monthly by following the steps we describe below!


If kitchen cabinet cleaning seems like a daunting task, hire our one-time/ deep cleaning service. We will tackle the chore for you!


What cleaning supplies do you need?

When cleaning kitchen cabinets, the trick is finding an effective cleaner safe for the type of material you have. 

What is the best kitchen cabinet cleaner? It doesn't matter what type of cabinets you have; the best cleaner is liquid dish soap! It cuts directly through grease, and (you guessed it) grease is the main cause of grimy cabinets. Besides, soapy water is gentle enough to keep wood, stainless steel, laminate, and every material safe from damage!

Some people recommend using a white vinegar solution, but its acidic nature might damage wood and stainless steel surfaces. Instead, we are sticking to the warm soapy water as our primary cleaning supply! And baking soda to remove stubborn stains—only if the need arises.

These are the cleaning supplies you need to clean your kitchen cabinets:

  • Liquid dish soap!
  • Warm water
  • Paper towels or a microfiber cloth (to remove dust and debris)
  • Soft cloths or a sponge to wash the cabinets
  • A soft brush (an old toothbrush works just fine!)
  • A clean and dry towel


If your cabinets have glass or mirrors in them:

  • Glass cleaner

Finally, if tough grease stains refuse to go, you'll just need: 

  • Baking soda 

And that's it! Let's begin with the cleaning!

Step 1. Empty the shelves and dust

Removing the kitchenware and other supplies is crucial for every type of cabinet! Don't skip the emptying part! We want to bring back the brand-new appearance to your cabinets, so the cleaning needs to be thorough.

Then, using a microfiber cloth, remove the dust from the outside and inside the cabinets. If there are debris and crumbs, use a paper towel to remove them.

Step 2. Mix warm water and a few drops of dish soap

As we mentioned before, liquid dish soap is great for cleaning every cabinet type, from wood and laminate to stainless steel. 

Mix the solution in a spray bottle, so you can control better how much you use.

Step 3.  Wash the cabinet surface with the soapy water

Spray the mix in a soft cloth or sponge until it is damped, then wipe the exterior surface from top to bottom. Be careful not to use too much soapy water, as wet metal hinges and other components can rust. Also, excessive moisture can damage wood and laminate surfaces.

If your cabinets don't have a thick grease layer, wiping them down with soapy water should be enough to clean them.


It might be tempting to scrape visible grease and grime instead of washing it. Don't do it! The grease might be stuck, and rubbing it will likely damage the finish too!

Step 4. Rinse the residue with plain water

Soap residue might slowly react with some surfaces—especially in stainless steel and laminate cabinets. To avoid damage or stains, rinse the cabinet surface using a damped sponge or cloth.

Step 5. Clean glass and metal hardware

Kitchen cabinets often have glass doors and metal hardware that need special treatment. Clean the metal handles, knobs, and pulls using a soft toothbrush dipped in soapy water. 

For the glass, you can use a commercial glass cleaner. However, if you are cleaning wood cabinets, spray the cleaner into the cloth and not directly to the glass. Commercial glass cleaners can damage wood!

Step 6. Spot treat the tough stains

If you have found stubborn stains, give it a last try scrubbing with soapy water and a soft sponge. Hopefully, you may be able to get rid of the stain with enough elbow grease. 

Otherwise, it's time to bring the baking soda. 

Here is how you remove tough grease stains from any type of kitchen cabinet:

Mix baking soda and water in equal parts until you get a paste. Apply the paste with a soft cloth and rub it in a small circular motion. Wash the soiled cloth and repeat until the grease stain disappears. 

However, you should know that baking soda is more abrasive than dish soap. Spot testing before using it is crucial!

Step 7. Do a final rinse, dry the cabinet, and we are done!

After tackling the stubborn stains, remove any remaining baking soda and soap with a damp cloth. As we mentioned, wood, laminate, and stainless steel can resist contact with cleaning products, but not for long! Rinse thoroughly without wetting too much! 

Finally, use an absorbent and clean towel to remove the excess moisture. Finishing without drying can leave you with discolored laminate, rusty hinges, and those awful water stains on stainless steel surfaces.

Why clean your cabinets? It’s simple: they'll last longer!

A sticky grease stain seems gross, right? But did you know that grime can slowly break down your cabinets? Built-up grime, moisture, and food splatters are never good news for any type of cabinet. It can discolor laminate, penetrate the wood, or even damage the exterior protector film in stainless steel!

Keeping your cabinets spotless it's not just a matter of appearance. A well-kept kitchen cabinet will last longer!

How often should you clean the kitchen cabinets? Like your countertops or kitchen floor, the kitchen cabinets need regular cleaning. Wipe down food splatters and moisture every time you can!

However, a sticky grease layer can build up slowly even with daily maintenance. We recommend a monthly deep cleaning to prevent thick built-up grime. It will keep your kitchen cabinets in top shape! 

Cleaning services in Seattle, WA, area

If your kitchen needs a little love and extra attention, Rain City Maids Lynnwood is here for you! Our one-time/ deep cleaning service includes cabinet cleaning and grease removal for your kitchen.
Don't wait more, and get your instant pricing!

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