
Home » Blog » DIY 101: How To Clean Different Types Of Shoes

By: Rain City Maids
Oct 23, 2018

There are so many types of shoes, and each one requires a different technique to clean. Where with one you can be more forceful, you might have to be a lot more gentle with the other. Doing thorough research about proper care and cleaning is vital.

So don’t just throw your shoes into the washing machine. Here is how to clean the most popular types of footwear and if the kind you’re looking for isn’t on the list, don’t just pick one and hope it turns out well. These tips can assist you on how to clean shoes inside. Read on to learn more.

Here are the best ways to clean different types of shoes!

Leather Shoes

Mix water and white vinegar to create a solution that will help you clean dirt all over your shoes. When it's dry, rub the whole shoe with the help of a soft dry cloth. Dampen a cloth with water then dip into baking soda while giving your shoes a good rub to get rid of any scuffs. Then, wipe it with a clean, dry cloth.

If it’s a patent leather with marks, use a cotton swab to rub some petroleum jelly and get rid of any stains or scuffs. Spray on some glass cleaner if you want them to shine.

Suede Shoes

When your footwear is made out of suede, cleaning in one direction while gently scrubbing all the dirt off is the best thing to do. If you got all the surface dust off, go back and forth with the brush to work on deep stains.

You can also try using a nail file, white vinegar or alcohol to get that stubborn stain off as well brightening up the suede.

Sheepskin Boots

With a clean scrubbing brush, use it to gently wipe the whole shoe and remove all dirt on the outside. You can use a white eraser to rub away stubborn stains. Next, clean the outside with a damp—not too wet—cloth.

Gently work on the areas that need cleaning with a diluted vinegar solution. Finish off by wiping with a damp cloth, then filling your shoes with newspaper, so they stay in shape while drying.

Running shoes

Before you start cleaning, you must remove the dirt off using a clean toothbrush. Make a solution of a tablespoon of laundry detergent and half a pint of water. Use this solution to scrub the mesh and rubber parts of the shoes. Then use a wet cloth or sponge to wipe the soap suds. Before tying the laces back on your shoes, clean off the areas around the string holes.

White Sneakers

To a clean cloth, apply a small amount of nail polish remover or white vinegar, then use this to wipe away any stains on your white trainers. You can also use bleach, but make sure that this is diluted before applying. Remove the solutions from the shoes with the use of a warm damp cloth to finish.

Flip Flops

Run your flip-flops under warm water. While they are still wet, put baking soda all over and leave them for five minutes. After five minutes remove the baking soda using an old or new toothbrush. You can also use your washing machine to clean of all that dirt, but set a small amount of detergent and a small cup of vinegar as they run through the delicate, cold setting.

These tips will help on how to clean shoes at home. After cleaning your shoes with effort, you might want to sit back and relax at home. So the best way to enjoy the day is hiring a professional house cleaning service do the job for you.

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